Monday, March 16, 2020

Allie Pleiter on Getting What You Want...or Not

If you follow the Love Inspired Authors and Readers Facebook Group, you know that our family is�between pets.� Since losing our dear Havanese Bella after 14 years last November, we�ve taken our time before getting ready to add a dog back into our household. Now, we think August will be the month we are open to adopting.

I believe adoption dogs�find us� as much as we find them. So I came up with the idea to let a few of our dog- connected friends and associates know that we�re in the market and what we�re looking for.

Here�s what our perfect dog would look like:

Nomor larger than 30 pounds

Doesn�t shed

Nomor�yapping�- regular bark


Low to medium energy

2- 5 years old( nomor puppies or seniors)

Good with kids

Okay as a solo pet

Crate trained or crate trainable

Now, I know enough to hold this list loosely. Life has taught me that God often sends us what we need rather than what we�re looking for. That�s certainly true of my hero Chaz in Wander Canyon Courtship. Chaz isn�t even looking for a dog when Cecil comes into his life. Chaz knows what he wants in life, and what God sends him doesn�t look anything like it. Watching this surly guy slowly discover what he really wants is part of what makes the story so special to me. Let�s just say it takes a while before Chaz and Yvonne figure out that what they truly need�is each other.

Read More : Sunday Scripture

Not everyone has or can have a pet. But if you do or could, what two characteristics are on your�ideal pet� list? What do you love most about your current furry( or feathered or scaled or whatever) friend?